Community Connection
  • 375 Beaver Drive
  • Suite 100
  • DuBois, PA 15801
  • Phone: 814-371-5100


Children from birth to age 3 who reside in Clearfield/Jefferson County and have special needs due to developmental delays or disabilities are eligible to receive Early Intervention services from the Clearfield/Jefferson County Early Intervention Program. Any parent, caretaker, educator or medical personnel who have a concern about a child’s development can request an evaluation of the child to determine eligibility for EI services.
A multidisciplinary team of professionals will meet with the child and family to conduct an evaluation in a setting familiar to the child. All areas of development, including vision and hearing, cognitive development, communication, social/emotional development and adaptive development.
To qualify the child must have:
  • A 25% delay in one or more areas of development or
  • A physical or mental condition likely to result in a developmental delay.
There are children who may not meet the eligibility criteria for early intervention services but who may have conditions considered “at risk”. Monitoring can be provided for children who:
  • Weigh under 31/2 pounds at birth
  • Have been cared for in a neonatal intensive care unit
  • Are born to a chemically dependent mother
  • Have been seriously abused or neglected
  • Have confirmed lead poisoning